Campus Master Plan

Help envision the future of Old Dominion University. We’re bringing together the community to better understand, explore, and determine what the campus needs for the future.

Get Involved

About The Plan

The Campus Master Plan emerges from a process of listening, exploration, and discussion that generates ideas and possibilities to meet our community's goals for this campus and how it serves our educational mission.


The University of Michigan-Flint Comprehensive Campus Plan builds on our Strategic Transformation Initiative. In this effort, we take input collected from our campus community and focus on how that thinking translates into the physical campus space--now and for the next 10-15 years. It aligns with the enterprise-wide University of Michigan carbon neutrality goals and its strategic visioning and campus planning work.

What is a Campus Master Plan?

A Campus Master Plan is an opportunity for Old Dominion University to leverage what’s working, re-examine issues, and prioritize goals to guide future physical development. This process will provide short and long-term objectives, and serve as an extension of the University's Strategic Plans to meet educational needs of our campus community and beyond through a commitment to student success, excellence, community engagement, and lifelong learning.

Has ODU Ever Done This Before?

Old Dominion University has a history of physical planning that is integrated with its strategic, academic, programmatic, space management and enrollment plans. These plans are updated approximately every 10 years to stay current with academic, research, and student life needs. The goal for this new Campus Master Plan will clearly articulate the concepts and constructs that make the university distinctive and meaningful to the campus community and beyond.

Why Is This Important To Me?

We want to hear your perspective on the spaces that you feel will make the campus even more vibrant, connected, usable, and beautiful. Your thoughts, concerns, and feedback throughout the planning process will help guide this process and shape the physical campus for years to come. We will look at topics such as buildings, roads, parking, walkways, open spaces, learning environments, and many other physical campus elements during this process. We aim to work together to create a campus for the next generation of students, faculty, and staff.

Our Partner

Our campus planning efforts are supported by SmithGroup, recognized as one of the leading campus planning and design firms in the United States.

Upcoming Events

We are kicking off the Physical Campus Plan Sept 12-14th with a wide range of opportunities for you to be heard. Please join and share your voice!

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT
Informal Engagement
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center
No Scheduled Events YET - Check Back Soon
1:00 – 2:00 PM PT
Open Forum
Nelson Hall East Goodwin Forum
2:00 – 3:00 PM PT
Virtual Forum One
12:00 – 1:00 PM PT
Virtual Forum Two
No Scheduled Events YET - Check Back Soon
Coming Soon: Surveys

We are kicking off the Physical Campus Plan Sept 12-14th with a wide range of opportunities for you to be heard.
Please join and share your voice!

Virtual Open Forum

June 14, 2022
5:30 PM Eastern Time

In-Person Open Forum

February 24, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 pm ET

Virtual Open Forum

March 1, 2022
3:30 - 5:00 pm ET

Virtual Open Forum

March 2, 2022
5:30 - 6:30 pm ET

If you'd like to share your input on Open Forum content, please submit your message here:

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Process and Timeline

Each phase builds upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen our understanding of the issues and opportunities that will inform the campus planning effort. We look forward to hearing from you!


The foundation of facility planning is our strategic and academic direction - our goals, aspirations, current challenges, and opportunities for the future. The campus planners gain a deep understanding of the campus’s existing facilities condition, capacity, and the way they are currently used. The campus planners assess systems affecting the daily life of the campus. In addition to the main campus and regional campuses, the planning examines connectivity with the broader Norfolk community, the region, and the state. These systems determine the physical framework of the campus and opportunities for sustainable development.


The campus planners use data and analysis completed in the Understand phase to produce a comprehensive understanding of the campus’s challenges and opportunities. The campus planners test different ways to organize uses on campus, accommodate new building footprints, enhance systems, and enliven campus spaces. The ODU campus community explores these potential new facility investment patterns and determines the preferred approaches.


The strongest ideas that emerge are combined into the campus master plan. The plan describes the character, location, and amount of new development, renovation, reuse, or re-purposed space. Additionally, the plan recommends improvements to circulation, parking, open space, infrastructure, and resiliency. The final plan is a flexible framework that will help guide our facility investments to support our collective vision for the next decade.


Get Involved

The campus planning team explored different futures for the ODU campus during on-campus and online open forums on September 25 and 26.  We got great feedback and direction, but we still want to hear more.  We need you to explore these potential new facility investment patterns and share with us your preferred approaches.
First, please watch this video, which describes the Campus Master Plan Guiding Principles and the Alternative Development Scenarios. The narrated video is about 20 minutes long.

Then, with the alternative development scenarios in mind, please consider the questions below.
March 19, 2025
Campus Planning Forums – Consensus Plan
You are invited to participate in a Campus Master Planning forum on Wednesday, March 19. During each forum, you will learn about the final vision for the future of ODU’s campuses, including near-term and long-term objectives to ensure our buildings, walkways, and green spaces continue to support the University’s goals.

Join us to understand ODU’s priorities for its facility investments and get your questions answered.  The same information will be shared at each meeting.

10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Webb University Center, North Cafeteria
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Webb University Center, North Cafeteria
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Virtual via Zoom, please register below:
View The Presentation
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Campus Planning Open Forums
You are invited to participate in a Campus Master Planning forum on January 29 or 30 to continue to support envisioning the future of campus. These interactive forums invite you to share feedback on the future of our physical campus as we develop ODU’s campus master plan, which will provide immediate and long-term objectives to ensure our buildings, walkways, and green spaces continue to support the University’s goals.

Join us to share your input and ideas at one of the sessions listed below. The same information will be shared at each meeting.
Wednesday, Jan 29
6:00 - 7:00pm | Virtual
Please Register Below
Thursday, Jan 30
10:00 - 11:00am | Big Blue Room, Chartway Arena

Thursday, Jan 30
2:00 - 3:00pm | Big Blue Room, Chartway Arena

March 12
Virtual Open Forum
This virtual open forum is intended to be an interactive session that gives you an opportunity to offer feedback and ideas on how to make our campus even more functional, sustainable, and vibrant. We hope you can join us. Register by clicking below. The Zoom meeting credentials will be emailed to you in advance of the session.
5:30pm - 7:00pm via Zoom
Register for the Forum